Jingwei Qu (瞿经纬)

Assistant Professor

College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University
Office: Room 1008, Teaching Building No. 25, No. 2 Tiansheng St, Chongqing 400715, P.R. China
Email: qujingwei@swu.edu.cn
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Short Bio

Jingwei Qu is currently an Assistant Professor of College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, P.R. China. He receicved B.S. and Ph.D. (advised by Professor Zhi Tang) from Peking University, P.R. China, in 2014 and 2022, respectively. He was a joint Ph.D. student (advised by Professor Haibin Ling) in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University, from 2018 to 2019. His research interests include graph learning, visualization, computer vision, and bioinformatics. His work has been published in several international journals and conferences including TVCG, IEEE VIS, IJCAI, and ICME, etc. He has served as reviewer for TPAMI, TVCG, and PR, etc.


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